
 The Coordination Unit of the NWSAS Consultation Mechanism ensures the Libyan water technical staff capacity building in GIS and Remote Sensing, Tripoli, March 12-16, 2023

The Coordination Unit of the NWSAS Consultation Mechanism ensures the Libyan water technical staff capacity building in GIS and Remote Sensing, Tripoli, March 12-16, 2023

The North Western Sahara Aquifer System…

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 The OSS holds the first workshop of Readiness Libya II, 1st & 2nd of March, 2023, Tunis

The OSS holds the first workshop of Readiness Libya II, 1st & 2nd of March, 2023, Tunis

Libya ranks among the most vulnerable…

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 The ITTAS project is making huge progress for better coordinated management of the Iullemeden Taoudéni/Tanezrouft groundwater resources.

The ITTAS project is making huge progress for better coordinated management of the Iullemeden Taoudéni/Tanezrouft groundwater resources.

The last regional meeting of the water…

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 Iullemeden Taoudeni/Tanezrouft groundwater resources: Water key players come together to provide solutions to trans-boundary environmental issues, February 14-16, 2023, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Iullemeden Taoudeni/Tanezrouft groundwater resources: Water key players come together to provide solutions to trans-boundary environmental issues, February 14-16, 2023, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou will be hosting the regional…

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 DE Africa 2023 annual activities kick-off workshop, 7-8 February 2023, Accra, Ghana

DE Africa 2023 annual activities kick-off workshop, 7-8 February 2023, Accra, Ghana

As part of its partnership with DE Africa, the…

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 Virtual meeting between the OSS and the FAO Sub-Regional Office for North Africa, February 7, 2023

Virtual meeting between the OSS and the FAO Sub-Regional Office for North Africa, February 7, 2023

Virtual meeting between the OSS and the FAO…

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 The GMES&Africa Program OSS-North Africa Consortium is committed to supporting Copernicus in unlocking the power of EO data in Africa.

The GMES&Africa Program OSS-North Africa Consortium is committed to supporting Copernicus in unlocking the power of EO data in Africa.

The GMES&Africa Program OSS-North Africa…

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 The Burkina Faso component of the AdaptWAP project trains trainers from the periphery of the W and Arly parks in fishing techniques and conservation of fishery products, January 4 - 7, 2023 

The Burkina Faso component of the AdaptWAP project trains trainers from the periphery of the W and Arly parks in fishing techniques and conservation of fishery products, January 4 - 7, 2023 

Tenkodogo and its surroundings located in the…

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 AdaptWAP: Validation workshop of the study for the development of transhumance corridors, water points and grazing areas, Burkina Faso 

AdaptWAP: Validation workshop of the study for the development of transhumance corridors, water points and grazing areas, Burkina Faso 

The National Management Unit of the AdaptWAP…

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 NB-ITTAS project : Real potential for innovative actions and experience sharing on water resources

NB-ITTAS project : Real potential for innovative actions and experience sharing on water resources

On the second day of the meeting, the members…

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 Shared water resources: Opening of the NB-ITTAS regional project Steering Committee, Tunis, December 14, 2022

Shared water resources: Opening of the NB-ITTAS regional project Steering Committee, Tunis, December 14, 2022

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), in…

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 L’OSS prend part au premier atelier conjoint sur les services de GMES, du 23 au 25 novembre 2022, Dakar, Sénégal. 

L’OSS prend part au premier atelier conjoint sur les services de GMES, du 23 au 25 novembre 2022, Dakar, Sénégal. 

L’OSS prend part au premier atelier conjoint…

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