The Coordination Unit of the NWSAS Consultation Mechanism ensures the Libyan water technical staff capacity building in GIS and Remote Sensing, Tripoli, March 12-16, 2023
The North Western Sahara Aquifer System…
The North Western Sahara Aquifer System…
Libya ranks among the most vulnerable…
The last regional meeting of the water…
Ouagadougou will be hosting the regional…
As part of its partnership with DE Africa, the…
Virtual meeting between the OSS and the FAO…
The GMES&Africa Program OSS-North Africa…
Tenkodogo and its surroundings located in the…
The National Management Unit of the AdaptWAP…
On the second day of the meeting, the members…
The Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), in…
L’OSS prend part au premier atelier conjoint…